Taking a walk…


Yep….I have been gone.

We had a death in the Sisterhood two weeks ago.  It shook me.  It’s actually still shaking me. Other than being in shock still, I am trying to figure out how I feel about it. Not that the universe or God or the Powers that Be  are concerned with my take on it all but, for me, I am processing.  Trying to put into perspective how it is that a healthy 44 year old friend of mine from earliest childhood can be facebooking me on April 1st and be gone by mid month.

Like I said, It still shakes me.

After I heard the news, I took a walk, fell off the blog for a while, tried to clear my head but, really, I’m not sure if it’s clear yet.  I am still around but I am sitting in my quiet place with my faith for a few more minutes….remembering my friend, trying to figure out God and truly appreciating that even when life is not perfect, it is still good and I am fortunate.  Give me a few more days.  I will get the jumble organized soon.  Death is big but I can feel it gelling.  Until then, be well, be happy and be thankful that you can enjoy cold coffee, clean up the mess at home and that you can stand in some awful line and wait behind very impatient people. Appreciate the jasmine blooming, the hydrangea just beginning to leaf out, the Gerbera daisies as they show their full color and appreciate the crazy that flows through your life.

It really is all good.

See you soon :).

Oh so true!! :)

Oh so true!!  :)

This is not my art, I found it on Pinterest, but I love it and I am sharing it because I think it’s a good thought to remember. If anyone wants it taken down, just say the word. It’s just so lovely to share the good stuff.

From Functional to Yard Relic…

From Functional to Yard Relic...

I realized this chair was useful once upon a time…we do sit outside a lot and visit in the South. But, at some point and probably unconsciously, this chair made the transition from functional to yard art.  This also resides on the farm in MS and is still a sittable piece but, nonetheless, it props up the tree and just looks peaceful 😉

The Chicken House

The Chicken House

My grandparents old chicken house. My son is actually standing inside of it. He was curious to say the least! The homemade, rustic ladders and roosts were still in tact 🙂

Twanda Blogging Friends…

Blogging is obviously new for me.  Yep, that’s a given but I just had a quick thought to share.  And, yes, I know those who actually know me will say…”there is such thing as a quick thought that lives in you?  Really?”  Yes, yes, I know, it does not come naturally but….come on..let me try.

Today has been a rainy day and I have been inside making long cooking stuff in pots…soup and chili to be exact…and I have finally had time to read more of the blogs I am discovering and I just have to say, **you people wow me**.  As a single mom of three, I don’t get out too much.  Yes, I get to the schools, the track meets, the swim meets and even to my daughter’s choir performance last night but I don’t often get out to grown up places.  I don’t get much time for chatting up new friends or meeting people who share my interests.  WordPress has been a great avenue to “meet”some pretty amazing people.

You guys are incredible.  From young women adventuring in Paris and Greece, to single parents parenting well, to other parents of autistic children who are simply inspiring, to some pretty amazing athletes, to some genuinely gifted artists…you WOW me….you are all just so lovely and I wanted you to know that.

Thank you for gracing my day with your presence 🙂

And, for the dear friends who were already in my life before I started this venture, thank you for always being your wonderful selves.   I am blessed that you are in my life!

Okay…at least agree that this post was short FOR ME :).

Autism Humor: “Mom, I’m A HOARDER!”


My son had trouble going to sleep last night. Not an unusual occurrence for him due to the meds we take but I still like to nip it in the bud.  I could hear noises coming from the room and, as I stepped in, I saw he had started to clean.  The cleaning part was unusual.  Normally I’d find him with a Nintendo hidden under his pillow so I was at first happy to see he was just cleaning.  Nonetheless, I told him it was time to sleep.

A few minutes later, he emerged from his room, and before I can usher him back to his bed he says, “Mom, I can’t sleep. I think I’m a hoarder.”

Trying not to laugh out loud, I tell him, “Buddy, how do you even know that word?” to which he replies, “I heard it at school and I think I am because I won’t get rid of my toys.”

I hid my smile and said, “You are not a hoarder, my friend, and I know that because I can still see the floor in your room and your toys all still live in your bins. When I can’t see your floor anymore, we’ll talk. Until then, you’re okie dokie and not a hoarder.”

“Really?”He asked me with the last of his voice landing in a very high pitch and giving sound to his utter shock.

“Yep,” I told him, “Really and truly.”

Relieved, that at least for the time being he is not a hoarder after all, the boy was able to sleep.